Online Class Notes (Ally)


getaway: escape from …

docile: 温顺的; 驯服的; 易驾驭的; 易控制的

out of your league: out of your game field
ie. My girl friend is so out of his league.

sexism: discrimination against women

skim through: quickly go through

in somebody else’s shoes: stand on other’s pov
ie. Men cannot put themselves in others’ shoes.

society: social (n)

movement: revolutions
ie. feminist movement

adDREss (v): 向…说话

seduce: 勾引 sexually

stance: opinion,point of view

victim: injured party

inevitable: unable to avoid, must happen 不可避免的; 不能防止的; 总会发生的; 照例必有的; 惯常的; 必然发生的事; 不可避免的事

over-correct: …

one in a million: 百里挑一

Speaking exercise

They have more permission to do a lot of things. They always be encouraged to do some things.
They get/have more privileges. They’re always encouraged to do some things…
They are privileged. 

rarely consider the result
rarely consider the consequences/backlash/aftermath

the issues be extinct by a lot of people’s effort.
the issues are extinguished by a lot of people’s efforts.
The issues are addressed/somewhat corrected by equal-rights movements.

Victim always has the crime.
The victim is always in the wrong.
The victim must have done something wrong.

The diversity and inclusive is changing now.

They accompany you. -> to a party, event…
They keep you company. – > be there for you…

That’s the advantage of gay people.
That’s the advantage of being friends with gay people.

to… -> …ing