Online Class Notes (Bella – Ally)


18 – TEST 1 reading – time yourself

Prepare the speaking

next class: Listening + Speaking + Writing


politics: 政治

economy: 经济

psychology: 心理学

pandemic: yi qing

traffic: liu liang

frequent: 频繁的

sufficient: enough

relatives: 亲戚



Speaking exercise

I graduate from my high school for 2 years

My friends and I setup a store

you should keep away from that area

A: someone you like

My brother -> he has short hair and cute

-> interested in playing sports ask me to do with him

-> I like him very much he is the sunshine in my life

-> he always be outgoing and talk with me when I was very sad

-> Sometimes he also cooks for me when I was hungry.

-> I like him because he’s very …

Speaking tips:

  • people topic: background info -> personality/what kind of person -> he/she and me -> story*
  • connection between the points on your notes
  • Ending: on your feeling /on the future
  • part 3: opinion + explain + example


My favorite person in my family is def my brother. He is sixteen years old, he’s very tall – almost taller than my dad – but he’s very cute. A lot of girls at school like him. He also has a great personality. He’s very outgoing and funny so he has lots of friends. He likes to play sports like basketball and football. He always asks me to go with him. Sometimes, he talks with me and tells me some stories in his school. So we’re like best friends. One time, I was very sad, and he told me an interesting thing about how he forgot his homework. Even though it was a bit stupid, that made me happy a little bit. /Cheered me up a little bit. I have a good relationship with my brother and I love him so much.


-> short hair , cute , tall …
-> outgoing, lots of friends, gamer
-> he talks with me
-> story: cook for me