Online Class Notes (Ally)


tough matter

make a a big thing/deal out of

formality: xingshi
ie. It is just a formality

vomit (n)/throw up

ordeal: a very tough long matter

accentuate: exaggerate/emphasized/make bigger

ameliorate: make better (for something bad)
ie. ameliorate the situation

ritual: 仪式

roll my eyes: 翻白眼

anonymous: ni ming de

kiss ass: (v and n)

Speaking exercise

I called with them until 10 pm
I was on the phone with them until 10 pm

to express they’re angry about the system
to express their anger/dissatisfaction/annoyance with/ about the system

pursued their own benefit
acts on their own self-interest

all the bugs are solved
all the bugs are fixed

say some kidding words with her
make some small jokes/kid around with her

fight back
refute/ talk back

there was a colleague from hk who came to our office
a colleague from hk come to our office

all of them doesn’t feel very comfortable
all of them are experiencing discomfort…../are not feeling comfortable
all of them feel some discomfort

he held my hand and wanted to leave immediately
he took my hand and wanted to leave immediately

the teachers didn’t do a lot of thing to our kids
the teachers didn’t do a lot of thing for our kids

summer holiday don’t come
summer holidays are not here yet

finally, they knew it’s me
eventually they knew it was me

they will not thank you for your effort
they will not appreciate your effort