Online Class Notes (Ally)


English telephone number -> Great Britain Chinese number

betray -> cheat

ie. Is that sarcasm that I hear?
ie. Are you being sarcastic?

speak of the devil: talking about someone and he/she shows up

how much did that play(factor) into the decision? -> % reason for your decision

temperamental:temper changes very easily 喜怒无常的; 容易激动的; 反复无常的; 气质的; 性情的; 性格的;

ultimatum: 最后通牒

keep your options open: have more choices in the future

opinionated:(adj) with strong opinions

doer: someone who acts on their decisions

Speaking exercise

apply a new one -> apply for a new one

share it to -> share it with

the husband is so different with your bf -> the husband is so different from your bf

she have a travel to Xizang -> she‘s on a trip to Xizang

I have some personalities and she’s unsatisfied about them
I have some personality issues and she doesn’t like them/can’t accept them.

I don’t have any hope about this relationship
I didn’t have any hope for this relationship