Online Class Notes (Ally)


hangover: 宿醉

people pleaser: 讨好型人格

fortune teller

thrill: 兴奋;激动;震颤感;兴奋感

human nature: 人性

imperfection: 瑕疵

Speaking exercise

I like socializing

watch tiktok, view tb
watch tiktok videos/ be on tiktok, browse on tb

I need the harmony atmosphere between me and other people
I need to have a harmonious relationship with people
I need things/it to be harmonious and natural with other people.

everybody looks very nice, but just look like
everybody seems very nice, but only on the surface.


everyone have their own benefits

everyone only think their own benefits

I tried to review myself

It’s the reality

is there anything I’m wrong?

I had alcohol with a boy

I talk to him from my side

consist on this relationship

you need to be more initiative

he doesn’t want to be tied with his gf or his wife

love me mostly
love me the most