Online Class Notes (Ally)


review some of the vocabulary again

vocab review/quiz/test

next time: global problems: environmental issues


poverty: 贫穷 贫困;贫穷;贫乏;短缺

alien: 外星人

extraterrestrial: 外星

UFO sightings:  外星人目击事件;目击证据;瞄准

earthquake: 地震

dozens of people: 几十个人 1 dozen = 12

formality:(n) 形式主义
ie. it’s just a formality.

highways/public roads: 公路

construction: building this

education centers: 补习社

chain effect

reduce: 减少

overtime: 延长的时间

private teachers/private tutors: 私教

asian fail
ie. He asian failed. (he got 92/100)

fail: less than 60/100
ie. I failed

racial: 种族的

xxx-proof: 防xxx的
waterproof, sunproof, earthquake-proof



factories: 工厂

Speaking exercise

3 types of issues: global, local, personal

global problems: fossil fuel, population/birth rate, environmental protection, poverty,  extraterrestrial/alien threats/possibilities

local problems: COVID19, TW/political problems, earthquake, lack of electricity, education system

personal problems: LG development