Online Class Notes (Ally)


reality TV: 真人秀

celebrities: stars

click “like”: dian zan

discussion forums/boards: 论坛

pirated versions: 盗版的


vibe:  气氛
ie. She has a certain vibe

fashionable: 流行的; 时髦的; 时兴的; 时髦人物使用的; (尤指)有钱人常光顾的


ie. Sometimes she’s a huge disaster on the red carpet.

loyal: 忠诚

athletic: sporty

Speaking exercise

maybe crazy fans will to see all their shows.
maybe crazy fans would see all their shows.

I like 3 types of girls. One is the funny type.

The girl what I like it must be beautiful. Middle up.
The girl I like must be beautiful. Upper-middle.

She looks very different on her face and sound.
Her face and voice are very different./contradictory.

Another type is graceful girls.

I like DLRB on the red carpet./I like DLRB’s look(the whole look) on the red carpet.

If you just say face
If we’re only talking about face
If we’re only considering the face

ZYW and ZGR are daibiao
ZYW and ZGR are examples of my type of boys
ZYW and ZGR represent(v) my type of boys

he has a different point that you can remember him
he is different in his own way and you can remember it