Online Class Notes (Ally)


the advantages of aging


squat: (n and v) 下蹲



essence: 香精

rationalization: 合理化

masseuse/masseur: 按摩师

nostalgic: 怀旧的;令人怀念的

come to terms with sth: 谈得拢;和…达成协议;

ie. Parents should not discipline their kids in public.

good cop/bad cop: 红脸白脸

dystopian/utopian: 反乌托邦/午托班

Speaking exercise

the connection is down/not working

break off a tree branch

it rising frequency to find new bug of my body
The frequency of finding new bugs in my body is higher.
I find more bugs in my body/more easily.
More bugs are appearing/showing up in my body.

because it’s genetics from your parents
because it’s passed on from your parents

the staff is not like past store
the staff there isn’t like the staff from the stores (that) I’ve been to in the past

I’m not make an offense for this profession
I’m not trying offend anyone in this profession
I’m not trying to be offensive to people from this profession.

Writing exercise

Yesterday, I gave myself a one day holiday on the fly. It felt like the class skipping when we were a kid. Me and my friend went to the Rockbund Art Museum to see a contemporary art exhibition. Then, have a lunch in a Nepal Restroom, which called Nepali Kitchen. I can’t remember when was the last time I went to an art museum. Until I got home I couldn’t resist checking the booking history on App, which showed that I hadn’t been to any offline exhibitions for a whole year. The name of the exhibition is an Imperial message which is inspired by Kafka’s short fiction with the same name. The Artis named Adel Abdessemed, who was born in 1971 Constantine, Algeria and now is a French contemporary artist. This exhibition is one of the most sincere and completed exhibitions I have seen in Shanghai in recent years. All the story clues were broken up by the artist and then re-braided, and distributed in different art works into the 4-floods space.


Yesterday, I gave myself a one day holiday on the fly. It felt like the class skipping when we were a kid. Me and my friend went to the Rockbund Art Museum to see a contemporary art exhibition. Then, have a lunch in a Nepal Restroom, which called Nepali Kitchen. I can’t remember when was the last time I went to an art museum. Until I got home I couldn’t resist checking the booking history on App, which showed that I hadn’t been to any offline exhibitions for a whole year. The name of the exhibition is an Imperial message which is inspired by Kafka’s short fiction with the same name. The Artis named Adel Abdessemed, who was born in 1971 Constantine, Algeria and now is a French contemporary artist. This exhibition is one of the most sincere and completed exhibitions I have seen in Shanghai in recent years. All the story clues were broken up by the artist and then re-braided, and distributed in different art works into the 4-floods space.