Online Class Notes (Ally)


INfrastructure: 基建

sit right with me: I don’t agree with sth

civil servant: 公務員,文職人員

reality check: something that clarifies or serves as a reminder of reality often by correcting a misconception

business or pleasure?

port:  for ships

pier: fisherman’s pier

stockpile: 大量储备 stock up
ie. I need to stock up on eggs because ..

minimalism: 极简主义

abundance: 丰富 (n.)

wander: 徘徊;游荡;闲逛;溜达

formality: 形式主义

faith: 信念
ie. I have faith in you, Nicole. = I believe in you.

manual labor: 体力工作

construction sites: 工地

outing: 外出

Speaking exercise

they’re afraid to take the blame/responsibility.

assign blame

most likely everything has recovered
on the most part/basically, everything has recovered
the likeliness(probability) of that happening is zero.
Most likely(probablity), it will rain tmr.

they have a fear of the virus
they fear the virus

people more fear the quarantine than the virus
people fear the quarantine more than (they do) the virus

it’s the first gathering since the city-wide lockdown for us
it’s our first gathering/outing since the city-wide lockdown

wandering (wander v.) the streets

they … so you have to go the other roads
so you have to go around

“in what sense? = in what ways?”