Online Class Notes (Ally)


talk about a home decor brand that you like.


popup : 弹出来

scroll: 滑动


muffle: (v) to make a sound quieter and less clear: 2. to make something less strong or clear

exploit: 剥削 take advantage of

praised: 被表扬

backlash: 抵触 情绪 反弹

abstinence: 禁欲

rope: thick rope

string: 绳子
ie. pull the string

invoke: 调用 唤起 something that’s there
ie. emotions, feelings, actions ….

decorum: manners,etiquette 礼仪 behavior that socially correct

Speaking exercise

the macbook pro that came out in 2015

you can hear the fans working when you surf online

it delivered recently

I bought this one due to I hope to use my ipad pro with my laptop together

no solid rule to limit the designer’s idea or making…

xm used the technology copy and design copy

launched a lot of times you only can used 1-3 years

ikea changed the customer of design from rich to public
ikea brought an affordable design solution to the public