Online Class Notes (Ally)


upfront: direct

winded: not straightforward

constructive criticism: criticism that’s right and that makes you better

outspoken: can speak up about own opinion. pos
ie. Dorothy is very outspoken about her feelings.

opinionated: stubborn about own opinion. neg
ie. He’s too opinionated to listen to you.

internet trolls:keyboard man

Speaking exercise

I used to make a project about air travel (habit, for a long time but not anymore)
I made/I’ve made a project about air travel

If I double all these up… from my birth to now
If I sum it all upsince my birth/since I was born

the things we learn are more difficult than theirs
our curriculum are more difficult than theirs

study ahead

the best girl at math
the best female/girl math student
the girl who is the best at math

when he fly the plane
when he flew the plane