Online Class Notes (Ally)


consumption: 消费

bleak: 惨淡

niche: 利基;生态位;小生境 小众的

supercars/ sports cars: 跑车

keep a low profile: 低调
ie. high-profile client

appealing: 有吸引力的;有感染力的;令人感兴趣的;恳求的


2020: twenty twenty
2006: twenty-o-six

Speaking exercise

even we don’t have any plans to go back to the office
we don’t even have any plans to go back to the office

SH is the only city for most foreign companies they are allowing their employees to wfh
SH is the only city where most foreign companies are allowing their employees to wfh

they’re very worried about their employees if…
they’re very concerned about their employees if…

maybe the COVID situation is just one reason
maybe the COVID situation is just one factor

they don’t have more opportunity to make money
they don’t have as many opportunities to make money

the price is the most attractive thing
the price attracts most consumers
the price is the most appealing thing

the more expensive it is, the more they would like to buy it
the more expensive, the better

have you saw one news last week?
did you see the/a news last week?/a news from last week./last week’s news

the news very fast published on wechat and weibo
the news spread very quickly/went viral on wechat and weibo

the logistic fee has elevated very quickly
the logistic fee is elevating very quickly – now still
the logistic fee has been elevating very quickly – recently

no impact