Online Class Notes (Ally)


newbie/amateur: 新手

eyesore: 碍眼的人或事;丑的东西;不堪入目的景观

unconventional: 不因循守旧的;不因袭的;新奇的

mold: 霉菌

work ethic: how you work/work attitude/principle

Speaking exercise

we won’t at least win one program
I thought we would lose one at least./at least lose one.

I made all the strategy to answer this question.
I made all the strategies/the whole strategy to address this question.

I do a lot of research and have some learning on it.
I have done/did a lot of research and learned a lot about it.

what’s the most important thing they care in the past
what is most important to them in the past?
what’s their biggest concern?
what is/has always been the biggest thing they’ve always been concerned with?

you will be satisfied only in easy to use
If you are the target audience of UD, you won’t only be satisfied with the concept “easy to use”

to play their make up
to play with their make up
to make their make up more playful

you will be given with these NFT accessories
you will be gifted with these NFT accessories

positive competition encourage creation
positive competition encourage creative productivity/creativity