Online Class Notes (Ally)


interaction: 互动;交互作用;

nerds: 宅男  书呆子 (adj)nerdy

geeks: 〈非正式〉对…痴迷而不善交际的人 (computer geek)

fulfill: 做完(工作);达到(目的);应验(预言等);满足(希望)

from scratch:

assess: aSSess 评估

access: 进入


clear vs clarify
ie. I need to clear the room.
ie. I need to clarify the question.

Speaking exercise

These three things interact
These three concepts make a chain concept, and the order can be reversed.

When players touch a new game, they will first think about what’s this game like.
When players access/get in touch with/are first exposed to a new game, they will first think about what this game is like.

infer the players would gain what experience in it
we can infer the experience players would gain in it.

practice your brain
exercise/train your brain

the competition with people is very attractive
the competition is very appealing
the competition attracts a lot of players.

this game needs to clear the information you get
the players need to clarify the information they receive/get

when you listen to other people’s voice you can detect a story based on evidence
when you hear other people’s words/stories you can detect a lie/the truth based on evidence

when somebody tell something, it will change the situation

we are becoming professional from amateur

I always play the board game this week

the board game is more earlier than the computer games

It’s for all aged person

a game that meets our mind

Writing exercise

