Online Class Notes (Ally)


credentials: qualifications, certificates 资格证书;证件;资历;证明书


synonym: 同义词


designate: 指定
ie. designated driver



; semicolon

: colon

“” quotation marks

Speaking exercise

he has been un-present for 2 week.
he has been absent for 2 weeks.

everybody needed to have discussion about the games
we discussed the games together

we allocate somebody to finish the picture
we designated somebody to finish the picture

she confirmed that she misunderstood the meaning of the character and the anime
she admitted herself/ said afterwards that she misunderstood…

this practice was temporary
It was a popup practice.

we need to make sure the right needs to do
we need to make sure the demands are met/assigned tasks are completed
make sure of +something =  make sure of the client’s demands

she took charge of this course
she is responsible for/is in charge of this course

how to improve women’s playing games experience
how to improve the game experience for/of women/female players


bias = bi-as