Online Class Notes (Ally)


multi-national corporations

merit-based system: 优点;价值 personal ability, the good work you’ve done

communist: person of communism(n)

devotion: 奉献

formality: 手续; 例行公事 something for show

suck up: 奉承; 巴结; 拍马屁

refute: 驳斥; 批驳; 反驳; 否认

consumption: (能量、食物或材料的)消耗,消耗量; 消费; 肺病; 肺痨; 肺结核

allocation: 分配 for resources, normally limited

distribute: 分配; 分发; 分销; 分散; 使散开; 使分布; general

commandeer: 征用 something good, you didn’t do anything wrong
ie. The government commandeered the shipment of masks.

confiscate: 没收; (尤指作为惩罚)把…充公;
ie. The teacher confiscated my cellphone.


1/3 one-third
2/3 two-thirds
2/6 two-sixths
ie. Two-thirds of the people are starving.

Speaking exercise

It can facilitate you to promote.
It can facilitate your promotion.

companies should organize events to enhance employee’s abilities, instead of meaningless formalities. 
companies should organize events to enhance employee’s abilities, instead of wasting time meaningless formalities.
companies should organize events to enhance employee’s abilities and not waste time on superficial, meaningless events…

It’s a good performance in our community.
Our community has a good performance.
Our community performed very well.

The …. 10 thousand per day..
The delivery guys can save the money in 10 thousand per day.
The delivery guys can earn 10 thousand per day.

They take orders based on their weight

door to door

I think this is the management have the mistakes
I think the management made the mistake.
I think this is due to the management’s mistake.
I think the mistake is in the management. (概念)

didn’t prepare in advance.

stock up on food

clarify/clear up/refute rumors

nobody can make food, lead people make food by their own
nobody can make food, which leads people to make food by themselves/on their own

the worst thing is that the government did not allocate the food in a good way/appropriately.

it comes fully decorated. (comes – originally has something)