Online Class Notes (Ally)

Speaking exercise

I couldn’t express myself clearly.

I play Riot games started from last year.

It’s my first touch with the Riot Game

I started to usually play games from the last year, and before that just try it or something.

ie. I love Genshin because its storytelling attracted me. I would like to know more about the storyline and more about the world. It has some roles in the game and they have vivid characteristics. There are someone really looking forward for freedom…I feel I have some connections with the game.

When I firstly played it, I found it harder than HOK, a same type league of legend game. The quality of the game is very high. There are some new playing method than HOK… which added some appreciation to the game.

I watched the animation series Arcane.

Q: how do you define “successful”. Is LOL-M successful?

I would define it as DAU and download ranking. There are 20 billion, which is large gap from HOK. HOK has 5 million registered users. So LOLM has a lot of competitive pressure in CHina and the download trend decreased a little bit. Considering the LOL IP and efforts of Tencent, I don’t think they performed very well, but also excellent comparing with other mobile games.

Firstly, I think because of the competitor. It’s obviously very challenging for riot. I think the first one in the market … when they have totally penetrate in the market, the followers are going to have challenged. The mechanism of LOLM is not very friendly. The target users are some excellent players in HOK, but not lover of PC version of LOL. So the target audience is very small.

These type of people are not very attracted to the LOLM because they get used to the PC version of the game.

the role I’m applying for is very important for improving in China market. the development of LOL IP in China could maintain the …. and make them spend more time on LOL-related stuff. And also it could attract some new players like me.

The music and animation of LOL really attracted the players outside the LOL. I have seen some adaptation of music…

The creators gave the companies some possibilities to build up the stories.


champions – CHAMpion

vivid – VIvid
