Online Class Notes (Ally)


edit list, complete grammar, elaborate on each point


keep sb in the dark: no info for sb

anonymity: anonymous

sacrifice: 牺牲

well-oiled machine: a team/cooperation that functions very smoothly (normally on its own)

cooped up: confined at home

annihilate: completely destroy

euphemism: 委婉语; 委婉说法

forthright: 直率的; 直截了当的; 坦诚的;

people pleaser: 讨好型人格

nit pick: 吹毛求疵

Speaking exercise

We have reached our human level of patience
We have already endured beyond the limit of our patience.
Our patience is constantly being challenged.

I think it’s against to the civil rights
I think it’s against civil rights

  1. someone is dead without emergency resource.
  2. our compound operation is totally under the rigid management.
  3. I saw the food resource and information is totally unbalanced between the residents and the admini staff.

I have nothing can say
I have nothing to say.
There’s nothing I can say.
I don’t know what to say.
I’m speechless.

they used this to get the money for the group purchase
they used this to get money from the group purchase.

they send something gave the people sense of dangerous
they sent something that gave the people sense of danger(n)
they sent messages that made people anxious and scared/afraid

if you got the positive, your privacy is totally none
if you get the positive results/if you are positive, your privacy would be totally gone

Writing exercise

Machine, Civil and Epidemic

Pudong is the most severely affected and the earliest locked-down area, reporting a cumulative total of 22,739 Infected cases of Covid-19. However, here has been facing a confused and chaotic government regulation. In example of our compound, we has been isolated home for more than 28 days. During this period, I saw many cases of entirely avoidable tragedy due to the evaporation of civil rights under the resource runs. There’s nothing sadder than we cannot use our mother language and unchanged language to talk, to query and to propose.


Machine, Civil and Epidemic

Pudong, reporting a cumulative total of 22,739 Infected cases of Covid-19,/ Pudong is the most severely affected and the earliest locked-down area. However, we have/the residents of Pudong have been facing a confused and chaotic government regulation. In the example of our compound/take our compound as an example:, we have been isolated  at home/locked down/stuck at home/cooped up at home for more than 28 days. During this period, I saw many cases of entirely avoidable tragedies due to the infringement/violation/destruction/annhilation of civil rights under the resource runs. There’s nothing sadder than that we cannot use our mother language and honest language to talk, to query and to propose.