Online Class Notes (Ally)


multiplied by: 乘以


mitigate: 减缓;缓和

Speaking exercise

they have 4 standards to qualify the candidate.

I used to interview with twitter.

that question makes me very memorable about that interview.

I feel very ridiculous

Let’s assume …

Let’s separate the question into different parts, and I will analyze this problem logically step by step… In this question, our main objective is to find the business with the largest potential in China. 

To do that, we have to consider Google. So what can G do in China and what do they already have? G has a lot of services and products, such as google search engine and gmail, youtube, G ads and so on…All of these products are online and it’s a platform to involve people’s different digital touchpoint in their daily life. So I think the touchpoint is the opportunity we can develop our business. The second part is about Chinese consumers/market. Which consumer behavior in China would bring the most benefits in this market? Which digital behavior is the most popular in China? I guess the first thing is because I have read some digital reports for consumer’s behavior before so I know that a lot of consumers in China spend their time in digital entertainment, such as long and short video platform and the other is online games. I think G has 2 strong products in those two areas, the first is youtube and the second is googleplay. So we can try our test point in those areas.


  1. our competitor: ensure unique selling point.
  2. our consumers


  1. contradicting with the things I provided above.

the cons is still the opportunity to remind ourselves.