Online Class Notes (Ally)


find 5 interesting things you did on lockdown


prepare: 准备

lockdown: 封闭管理

bug: 虫子


your type: 你的类型

ghetto: hip hop (implication: not very high end)

peer: 同龄人

peer pressure:来自同龄人的压力

mental hospital:精神病医院

skill/ability: 技巧 技能

dry: 吹干


有没有 – 哪里有什么东西 – there be
ie. There is a bug in my milk tea.
ie. There is no one in the room.
ie. There are three children who are dancing.

yours mine ours theirs his hers

the – 某个指定的,我们正在谈论的
that, this – 那个方向的

for all comparisons (same as, than …) = A and B must the same

how long does it take? -> 占用多少时间?

Speaking exercise

are you prepared? (adj, 状态)
did you prepare? (v, 动作past)
have you done(v) any preparations (noun)?

have you done any preparations for the lockdown?

I didn’t get them online. There is a small grocery store near my home.

Writing exercise

My hairstyle is the same as yours.

The shirt is the same as that one.

This wine taste the same as the last time.

This toy is the same as Emma’s.

The heroine in this movie is the same as the heroine/the one in that movie.

The man looks as strong as The Rock’ Johnson.

The little boy looks as agile(adj) as spider man.
The little boy’s agility is the same as spider man’s.

This pear tastes as sweet as candy.

You sing as well as Maria Carey.
Your singing skill is as good as Mariah Carey’s.

You face as dramatic as Cardi B.