F2F Classs Notes 6th March (Cricket)***


Write about what you do in a typical work day- using the terms we learned today.


Some people have not enough ability to live in the first tier city.- Some people do not have the ability to live in a first tier city.

I worked in a hospital as a doctor before I started doing clinical research.

I am currently studying to become a doctor.

I’m researching for new drug research in oncology. I do clinical research on new oncology drugs.

I am researching gene therapy to only target the cancer cells.

The patient will take the drug intravenously to distribute it to the whole body. The medicine acts as a reproduction/replicating inhibitor.

The terminology is very medical.

It is a medical advancement.

He was arrested-taken by the police


Bachelor-undergraduate degree

Doctorate-graduate degree

PhD-Post doctorate degree-academic side
