F2F Class Notes_7th June (Harmony)



Pessimist (pess – ih – mist)

Carpet (car – pit):  full floor is carpeted.

Rug:  small area of carpet. (moveable)

Cubicle (q – bih – cull)

Garbage can/ rubbish bin/ trash can

Shredder (shred – dur)

Popular vs. unpopular


Shareholder:  when a company is publicly owned, the people that own part of the company are called shareholders.  (They hold a share in the company)

Curtain:  covers the windows.

Shower curtain:  the plastic/ fabric curtain to keep the water in the shower.

Table cloth: fabric/plastic to cover the table to keep it clean.

Slip cover:  a special cloth that is custom made to fit on your couch to keep it clean.




Cubicle, calendar, monitor, filing cabinet, plants, paper shredder, headquarters, garbage can

In the morning when we arrive the office we usually greet each other with a smile.  Then we walk to our own cubicle to prepare the work.  I always have breakfast in the office while I was watching the newspaper.  After breakfast I put the garbage into the garbage can and clean the desk.  Next I look the calendar which shows the work I should do today. Later I turn on the computer monitor to start work/to do work.  I use some files so I went to the filing cabinet to looking for it.  After a few minutes the HR comes and gives me some salary documents, I got it and read it.  Afterwards I put it into the paper shredder.  I was disappointed what so low salary.  But when I saw the plants in the meeting room I got comfortable later.  I worked in the branch of the company, the headquarters are in USA.

Eg.  On my way to the paper shredder I saw some plants that needed water.

Then/next/afterwards/later/later on/ after that/ after awhile/ after a few minutes

Open vs. turn on  !!!


In the morning when we arrive at the office we usually greet each other with a smile.  Then we walk to our own cubicle to prepare our/for/to get to work.  I always eat breakfast in the office while reading/looking at/scanning the newspaper.  After breakfast I put the garbage into the garbage can and clean my desk.  Next I look at my calendar which shows the work I should do that day. Later I turn on the computer monitor to start work/to do work. When I use some files I go to the filing cabinet to looking for them. When I get some important documents I put them into the paper shredder after reading them. When I felt tired I stand up and go to waiting room to see/look at the plants and take a break.  That’s one normal day at work, I work in the Shanghai branch of our company, the headquarters are in USA.

Things to think about:  which tense?

Eg.  When I travel I usually plan to leave in the morning. (happening now, general)

Eg.  When I left for Sri Lanka I took a early morning flight (past tense, specific about one trip)

Eg.  Yesterday when I went to work I greeted my coworkers…..  (change to past, because it’s specific)