F2F Class Notes (Vicki)


*Watch daniel sloss comedy special

Write about your favorite celebrity


Europe – 欧洲
i.e. I want to go to Europe.

vaccine – 疫苗
i.e. They produce vaccine.

collaborate /cooperate
i.e. They collaborate / cooperate with international companies.

license – 执照
i.e. They got a license from the Chinese government.

major – 专业
i.e. They suggested me to choose this major.

occur – happen
i.e. Why the problem occurred? = Why did the problem happen?

at most – 最多

exceed – 超过
i.e. It does not exceed a day.

moreover – 而且

technologically savvy  

savvy (adj.) – good at something
i.e. I am not technologically savvy. = I am not good at technology.

advertising – 广告

feedback – 反馈
i.e. When I feedback a bug to my boss and he couldn’t resolve it, then I have to face the client.

explanation – 说明
i.e. I need to write an official explanation.

sketch – 素描

comedian – 喜剧人

standup comedy – 脱口秀

exquisite – 有质感的
i.e. His humor is very exquisite.

variety show – 综艺节目
i.e. I like musical variety shows.

chill – 佛系
i.e. He is very chill.

celebrity – 明星
i.e. He is a celebrity.