F2F Class Notes (Tony) [R]




today was good, I met a lady, she was nice, she showed me how to get in touch with some good companies.

I paid too much attention to those projects

they are very time-consuming

I put a lot of passion into my paper, so I’m really eager to get the results.

You’re not an adult if you can’t do this

You’re an idiot if you can this

I’m hard on myself

ego – what you think about yourself

eg: He has a big ego, he thinks he is so great.

volunteer N. – a person who does work without being paid or asked to do it

volunteer V.

eg: I was volunteering today.

eg: I volunteered for an environmental project.

hesitate – wait to do something, usually too long, because you are not sure or worried.

eg: Don’t hesitate when you are speaking English, just try it. You won’t know if it’s wrong or right unless you try.

hesitant ADJ. – a hesitant person always

eg: I’m a really hesitant person.

impatient – you can not wait, you hate waiting, will you just finish it already, omg this is taking forever.

eg: I’m really impatient when my mother gives me advice.

overeager – you dont want to wait to do something, you just wanna start it because you are so happy about it

eg: I was a little overeager and submitted my paper to the wrong teacher.

face the music – face the bad things, the consequences


January – Jan You Wary