F2F Class Notes (Tony)


crave (V.) – to feel like you really want something

eg: Every morning I crave coffee.

eg: I am craving porridge tonight.

hangout – be with your friends, do something

eg: Do you want to hang out and eat hot pot tonight?

eg: I will hang out with my friends tomorrow.

keep an eye on… – pay attention to

eg: Keep an eye on Yolanda in class, she is lazy sometimes.

contact – lian xi, to try and talk to someone, send a message, call, e-mail.

eg: Contact Judy about the hot pot night.

eg: I will contact her after class.

activity / event – huo dong, something you go to with a friend, family, co-worker, and have fun…

eg: Did your job have any work events?

eg: My job at the restaurant, had a lot of work events and parties. We went swimming at the river a few times, and BBQ’d some food.

spot / space – a place for someone to sit, or for a car to park

eg: Maybe the restaurant has no spots.

eg: Sorry, That’s my spot

circus – a place where people watch a show with people jumping

eg: I have 2 friends in the circus.


fifth – Fif Th  / Fith

25th – Twen Tee Fif Th / Twennee Fith