F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Describe two services in Shanghai.

Write two examples.


It’s too far to walk

service – an organization, company, or system that provides something to the public


ferry – water bus

traffic – too many things in one place, internet traffic, car traffic

eg: The bus was stuck in traffic.

eg: The bus was in a traffic jam.

jam –

1. something is stuck or jammed.

  1. eg: The door is jammed shut.

2. a situation that is very difficult to find a solution(how to solve)

2. eg:  I’m in a jam, I need to take my son to the doctor at 10, but I have to be at work by 9.

own V. – to have something that is yours, you paid for, or someone gave it to you.

eg: I own a car, but I almost never.


I’m in a difficult (Adj.)   situation (N.)

Rental (N.)

Office (Adj. ) Rental (N.)

Car (Adj.) Rental (N.)

I haven’t got a license     England English, U.K. English, British English    🙁

I don’t have a license.     AMERICAN ENGLISH!!!