F2F Class Notes (Ben) [S]

Speaking exercise

I’m from Ningbo city in Zhejiang province. It’s a big city.

I like there because their air is really clean and there are so many local food

Bit their traffic is inconvenient. And there mouse don’t have many good brands.

And there people don’t make very spicy food, but I really lke eat spicy.

In my hometown, I like to play with my friends in village.
There are many small rivers and mountains and I like to go to eat local food with my friends.

I’m from Ningbo, Songhua city and Xikou town. There are famous town. Because in before there are famous people. Many people to go to there to visit.

I like my hometown. I think I will live in there all my older.

I’m from Ningbo city in Zhejiang province. It’s a big city.

I like it there because the air is really clean and there is so much local food

But the traffic is inconvenient there. And malls don’t have many good brands there.

And people don’t make very spicy food there, but I really like to eat spicy.

In my hometown, I like to play with my friends in old villages.

There are many small rivers and mountains and I like to go to eat local food with my friends.

I’m from Xikou town in Fenghua city, in Ningbo. It is a famous town. Because  there were famous people in history there. Many people go there to visit.

I like my hometown. I think I will live there when I am older.