F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I went ahead and used some cheap acrylic paints for this, so shout out to you if you did the same. (First guess)

I went ahead and use really cheap acrylic paints, so if you’re doing the same at home, shout at to you. (Real words)

Types of Paint:


Water Color

Acrylic (plastic)

piece together (V) – to use some pieces or parts and put them together to make one whole thing.

eg: I painted 4 small ones, then scanned them and pieced them together on the computer. That’s how we used the same image for different posters.

texture – the shape of the surface

eg: You can see the texture on the canvas with water color paints. It is harder to see the texture when you use acrylic paints.

clone – make a perfect copy, exactly the same

eg: Chinese scientists cloned a monkey.

eg: You could clone the upper half of the image, enlarge it and then put a gradient between the two to make it look like the top is getting distorted by the glass. So it looks like, you are looking through glass.

gradient – a gradual( or slow over time) change from one image to another image or color.

eg: You should apply a gradient to shade the left side more.

distort – change the size or shape of something, usually in an unnatural way.

eg: When you look at things through water, the image is distorted.


Acrylic – Uhh Krill-Lik