F2F Class Notes (Tony)

Needs more review

Review your old notes.

Find at least 3 questions to ask your next teacher.

Write down your questions and upload them before class.


How many yoga classes do you have left?

I have two yoga classes left. I have to book the class in advance.

yes, I feel healthier (more healthy)

cater to – to do something to fir their needs specifically

eg: Many yoga classes cater to people with buy schedules. so the time can be flexible, but you have to book it in advance. The schedule is not usually set.

eg: Do you need to cater to all of your clients, or can you do things your own way?

Maybe half and half, I meet them in the middle. I need to cater to some of my clients and sometimes I do things my own way.

energy – not tired, you get energy from eating and drinking. you can regain you energy by sleeping.

eg: I have no energy, I was working hard all day.

eg: OMG, my friend’s son has so much energy, he is always running around and jumping off things.

eg: Little boys have tongs of energy

let it go – stop caring or worrying about it

eg: If you can’t find the reason, maybe you can just let it go.

get over it – stop focusing on one thing, and move on

eg: You got fired one year ago, get over it! Stop felling sad for yourself.


as (ADJ. ) as

eg: He is as tall as his brother.    His brother is as tall as him.   They are the same height.

eg: Unfortunately, he is not as smart as his brother.

eg: He is taller than her.

How much taller is he than her?  He is 10 centimeters taller than her.

Tony: Who have you been having English class with? Because your English is too good for you to not be studying at all.

LYN:     (you say it in your words)  You mean…    MY English is so good that you think someone has been helping me.

Tony: Yes, someone must‘ve been helping you.  Or, you must have been practicing secretly.

Are you …..  ?

Are you Lyn?

You are …..   .

You are …   / . (Is a question)