F2F Class Notes (Tony) [S]


the amount is small – the price is low

spill – when something accidentally falls out, like liquid, water, coffee, wine

eg: Don’t cry over spilled milk.

eg: I spilled something on my coat.

bid (V.) – to place a bid 

eg: We bid on 6 pieces, but only won 3 of them.

bidding (V.) – place the bid. placing a bid ( continuous,   BE + ING)

eg: We are bidding on 6 pieces of machinery.

bidding (N.) – the process of placing and taking bids

eg: The bidding started in March and ended in April. So one month of bidding.

eg: There were 3 rounds of bidding.

eg: We are not bidding yet, put down your hand. The bidding will start at 5pm.

eg: We can’t start bidding yet. Because the bidding starts at 5.

bid (N.) – the amount of money or other thing you are willing to pay

eg: The winning bid was $100. I was the only bidder (N.) . My $100 bid won.

eg: I placed a $100 bid.

Speaking exercise

I bid on 6 pieces of machinery. The bidding started in last week and ended this morning. And I won 3 pieces of bidding. Three companies bid and my company is one of the bidder. The winning bid was $200 dollars.

I bid on 6 pieces of machinery. The bidding started last week and ended this morning. I won 3 pieces of machinery. Three companies bid and my company is one of the bidders. The winning bid was $200 dollars.