F2F Class Notes (Tony)


delicious really good food

ice cold beer

oily/greasy food

hot pot

shell – a hard protective outside

eg: Turtles, Crabs, Lobsters (long xia) and Crayfish(xiaolong xia)

eg: My favorite seafood is soft-shelled crab.

upset – a bad feeling

eg: My stomach is a little upset.

stomach – du zi

belly – slang word for outside of stomach

eg: Many old men in Shanghai have a beer belly.

typical – what is common and what you think will happen

eg: That’s typical Lyn, she didn’t do her homework again.

eg: Re Gan Mian, is a typical breakfast noodle in wuhan. It is flat and thin and very long.

chili oil – la jiao you

Chili – from a chili pepper or spicy pepper.  Pepper is the kind of vegetable. Chili means it is spicy. Ther some peppers that are not spicy. Like, green, red, yellow, orange peppers, also called bell peppers.

Green pepper – Qin jiao, not spicy

Chili – Spicy

Pepper – Vegetable

Chili Pepper – spicy pepper, la jiao

Vinegar – Cu, white strong smelling liquid

Pepper – black pepper,    from peppercorn. strong flavor, but not exactly spicy

black pepper

sichuan pepper

Both come from a Peppercorn

Chili – a dish with beef, kidney beans, and tomato sauce