F2F Class Notes (Tony)

Hate Thy Neighbor – a TV Show, Documentary, a Man interviews different groups of people to try and understand their position.

Season 2, Episode 7 : Border Wall


exaggerate (v.) – when people say something is much more (bigger, faster, more, richer, ….) than it really is.

eg: I had a party at my home, and there was about 1 million people there. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating a little.

eg: Americans like to exaggerate. They don’t really mean it, it’s just a way to talk.

eg: I ate a ton of salad.

What? You ate 1000KG of salad?

No, I was exaggerating

eg:I never wear v-necks because if I have a sharp face, and the sweater exaggerates it.

turtleneck – a sweater with a long and high collar (neck part of shirt)

V-neck – I would only wear a v-neck sweater with a shirt under it.

deep v-neck – a joke that some people think v-neck sweaters are stupid, so they exaggerated it

eg: He’s a deep v-neck guy.

eg: He’s a _______ kind of guy.

as well – also


All my winter clothes were put away / I put all my winter clothes away

vertigo (N.) – scared of heights

horizon (N.) – the line you can see where sky meets land

Vertical (ADJ.)

Horizontal (ADJ)


close – KloZ

eg: Close your laptop

eg: Turn off your ipad. You can’t close an ipad.

clothes -KloZ

eg: I bought some new clothes.