F2F Class Notes (Tony)


cut the budget

cut back on (STH.)

eg: This year I have cut back on coffee.

eg: I need to cut back on cigarettes/smoking.

micromanage – manage every small detail, control everything an employee does

eg: He always micromanages.

eg: Recently he micromanages more than before, after that business partner tricked him.

Tony: Yeah, those girls will never like a bunch of ugly guys like us, right Jeff?

Jeff: Don’t pull me into this.   / Don’t drag me into this.   (I don’t want to be involved)


almost boss

most of boss

most bosses

he was talking to me for 80 minutes

I’m worried about him

as much as

eg: He is a rich guy, he has a lot of money as much as Bill Gates.

eg: I ate some cake, but not as much as him.

as much (what) as

eg: He is a rich guy, he has as much money as Bill gates.

eg: I don’t have as many pictures as other people on my phone.  / I don’t have as many pictures on my phone as other people. / I don’t have as many black and white photos from trips abroad on my phone that I had when I was in my first year of university that I sold and bought back later as other people.   (Too long, Unclear, Changes ideas)

as (ADJ.) as

eg: John is a tall guy, but he isn’t as tall as me.


reality – [ree-al-i-tee]

In reality, that doesn’t happen often.