F2F Class Notes (Tony)


symptom of a problem, so you know there is something not right in your body

I try to keep health – I try to stay healthy

wouldn’t be sickness comes to methey wouldn’t get sick

I’ve been going to the gym for about a year.

I haven’t tried rock climbing

I‘ve never made Chilli.

correlation – a connection between things, where one thing is affected and the other is also effected

eg: There’s not a direct correlation between exercising and preventing sickness.

eg: A lot of people correlate eating less with being healthier. In my opinion that is pretty wrong.

tone down – make sth. less extreme or strong

eg: When you talk to a new friend, you should tone down your opinions when you have differences.

eg: She needs to tone down that makeup, I can see it from a mile away.

atmosphere – the general feeling of a place

eg: Some people are willing to pay for a better atmosphere at the gym.

hydrogenated Oil – when something that is naturally a solid at cool temperatures, Has been changed so that it stays a liquid, even at cool temperatures.

eg: The study showed that partially hydrogenated oils increase the risk of heart disease.

eg: Hydrogenated oils have a longer shelf life, and they are cheaper.

rancidhaving a strong and unpleasant smell or taste from no longer being fresh

eg: That cheese is rancid, don’t use it!

shelf life – how long a product can sit on the shelf at a store, before it is bad.

eg: The shelf life for processed foods is always a lot longer than natural foods.