F2F Class Notes (Tony)


how did this come up? – (how did you start talking about that?)

eg: I don’t know how that came up, we were talking about films first.

I’ve been wrestling with this problem all week.

scared of heights

the center of attention – everyone is paying attention to this person

eg: I don’t like being the center of attention.

eg: I don’t see why he always has to be the center of attention. He is too needy.

awkwardnot socially graceful or confident : uneasy or uncomfortable

eg: I can be a little socially awkward. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable at big parties.

charisma – a special quality that people have which makes other people just like them more

eg: He has no charisma at all. He is always awkward around people.

John Cena – was a professional wrestler for WWE

Dwayne Johnson – used to be called “The Rock” when he was a wrestler for WWE, now he is a well-known actor.

eg: It used to be crazy that a wrestler and actor will try to be president of America. But now it seems like maybe even Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson could become president.