F2F Class Notes (Tony)


a new way to eat the bananas peel –A way to eat the banana peel (not new, because there was not an old way)

they growing room = they grow in a room

Why do they freeze them? (freeze the banana trees, then replant them at a higher temperature)

they make the tree to suddenly grow quickly – it makes the trees suddenly grow quickly

Why do you boil the noodles? it makes the noodles soft. / It cooks the noodles.

Why do you wear a breathing mask? It helps me block dust. / It blocks the (dust/smoke.)

my taste is very lightI have a sensitive stomach

the taste is not very equal  – they try to balance the taste, so it’s not too spicy

ripe fruit

if you put bananas in a bag they will ripen (V.) faster

wait a few days for it to get ripe.

those bananas are not ripe yet.

Raw – uncooked, especially for meat, fish

eg: You can eat raw beef, but you need to make sure it is fresh.

Fresh – not old, or not cooked for vegetables and fruit

eg: Make sure you buy the freshest veggies.

represent – to be an example of, to show what the real thing is like.

eg:Some restaurants in San Francisco, represent real Chinese food.

genuine/authentic – real, not fake

eg: This is definitely not genuine Chinese food.

eg: It’s not genuine/authentic Thai food.

larva – baby bug, usually all white and soft

eg: I had some bee larva in Yunnan.


genuine – Jenn You Win