F2F Class Notes (Tony)


this weekend I met challenges had some issues

she forgot to send the Sales Contract   (SC, is Jargon)

how did you let that happen?

she changed her face tune a little bit

i feel double-worked overworked

go back go back and forth

the task of this week / this week’s tasks

Please give me your wash test feedback, if there are any issues with the oil, make sure to inform us.

back and forth

eg: I have a lot of back and forth communication with the factories.

protocol – a process which must be followed in certain situations

eg: Next time I’ll make sure everyone follows protocol.

fragile – can be broken easily

eg: Jade is pretty fragile.

eg: The shipment was marked fragile.

speedbump – a bump in the road that makes you slow down when you’re driving

eg: We had a few speedbumps, but we got it done.

fall through – 1. when a plan fails 2. To not happen as planned Oh, we’re not going away next week after all—our vacation plans fell through.

eg: We made a lot of progress but when he couldn’t produce the samples everything fell through, and he admitted he can’t meet that production quota.

eg: Oh, we’re not going away next week after all—our vacation plans fell through. Our babysitter cancelled.


oil – Oy  El     (Wo e le)  (Wo e le) (Wo e le)

I’ll – Eye   ul    I’ll see what I can do.

boil – Boy ul