F2F Class Notes (Tony)

Look UP: Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

To help you find common English phrases and slang.


Foam – many bubbles together, like coffee.

eg: I think a cappuccino is made with foam and a latte is made with milk.

Steam V. – to cook or heat something with the gas that come from hot water.

eg: I steam my clothes, I don’t like ironing.

eg: If you steam some vegetables, it is very healthy.

eg: I steamed a fish yesterday.

eg: A latte has steamed(ADJ) milk in it.


eg: What’s the difference between an Americano and a Latte?

I think a latte is made with milk and an Americano is made with water. Both have shots of espresso in them.


take it out of the box

take it off the table


What’s in this cocktail?

What’s in it? (Food or Drink)

What’s in the steak?????  How is it made?

ON – On a Surface, resting or sitting or laying on a surface (table),  Sticking to or Covering a surface, like tape or a coat

Example: There is tape on the box. = (There is tape sticking to the surface of the box.)

take the tape off the box / there is (some)tape on the box

Jeff, don’t move, there is a spider on your face.

Don’t worry, he’s my pet

And the spider has a little coat on, he must be warm. = (the spider has a little coat covering him)


what’s – WutSs thuh Diff-rens

says – sez,

he says they are sold out. – he sez dey are sol’-dout