F2F Class Notes (Tony)


they had a little snow and it was on the news

they sent out a reporter

Shanghai doesn’t usually get snow.

if you fly somewhere

design principles – a basic idea or rule you should follow, that shows you how to do something the right way

eg: Many design principles and painting principles are very similar.

balance  – equal on both sides

eg: The design is not really balanced.

eg: An unbalanced design can make people feel uncomfortable.

eg: It’s hard to balance work and fun.

leading lines – a line in the design that makes the person follow that line to look at a part of the design, especially a subject or product. They tell the viewer where to look.

eg: When we design the Christmas window we always consider the leading lines.

contrast – the difference between light and dark in an image

eg: There is not enough contrast, so the subject blends into the background.


Malaysia – Muh Lay ZJhuh