F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Why do you study English now?

Because my English is bad, and I don’t like studying.

Why didn’t you study English before?

Not only my English is bad, I’m just bad at studying.

Are you a bad student?

I’m just bad at studying, but I’m a good student.

Can I charge my phone?   Yes, you can charge your phone.

day off – you don’t work or have school that day.

eg: I have the day off today.

eg: I have Saturdays off.

eg: I have tomorrow off.

eg: Are you off tomorrow? No, I’m not off tomorrow.

eg: What days are you off?    I’m off saturdaySssss and sundaySsssss.     I’m off on/at weekends.

eg: Ok, so you have two days off a week? Yes I have two days off a week.

eg: Monday is my day off.

rest (V.) – you will not do anything, because you are tired, maybe lay down, sit down, or sleep.

eg: I’m tired, I want to rest.

eg: I do yoga, then I rest.

eg: We can rest later.

take a break – stop doing something, for a short time, then start doing it again.

eg: Can we take a break?

eg: I have a lunch break at 12.


SaturdayS – All saturdays