F2F Class Notes (Tony)




Why do I need to do this?

Why do you ask this question?

Why do you think I went to church?

You don’t look like a Catherine. You look like a Catherine.

In American culture we shouldn’t use things are too direct or simple. For example naming your baby girl diamond, because diamonds are very beautiful and rare, might actually be seen as a very white trash name. Because, this is simply too direct and obvious. In American culture you need to be subtle and original (creative), and you shouldn’t copy something too much, or it is very lame. (not cool). Being obscure will also get you bonus points for creativity.

obscure – not common or popular, many people don’t know about it

eg: In America some people think obscure things are very cool.

hipster – a person who follows all the newest and most popular styles, especially some styles that are not mainstream, but still very popular in the “underground culture”

eg: Hipster’s like to wear bad style clothes, “ironically” they know its bad style and think its a funny choice.

retro – something popular from a long time ago, and still cool now

vintage – something very very old, with good style.