F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Let’s start with your oldest one, first.

she is fashion / she is stylish

this coat keeps me warm enough

Is it bad if you make a mistake when you’re speaking English?

No, If I make a mistake when I’m speaking English, it’s not bad.

I don’t have a bad temper with my friends.

I live at 1238 TianShan Rd., Yangpu, District, Shanghai, China, 000092(Zip code)

shorts – duan ku zi

eg: You’re wearing shorts today? Aren’t you cold?

pants – ku zi

eg: I got a new pair of pants, and a new pair of shorts.

underwear – nei ku zi

eg: I got a new a pair of underwear.


How is your day?               (Now)

It’s good.

How has your day been?      (From the past until now)

It’s been good.

How was your day?         (Finished)

It was good.