F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


My brother prepared a party to propose to his girlfriend tonight and booked a handmade cake a week ago. This afternoon, he asked his friend, Vicky, to get it on behalf of him, because he was busy for house decoration. However, Vicky didn’t get the cake back alone. She picked her son up together to my brother’s home. When Vicky was driving, her son ruined the cake next to him. It was too late to stop him when Vicky saw it. My brother felt angry after knowing that, but the toddler didn’t do it on purpose, he couldn’t say anything more. Fortunately, the proposal went successfully without cake. They will get married in the end of this year.

Tonight my brother prepared a party in order to propose to his girlfriend, he ordered a handmade cake for this occasion a week ago. This afternoon, he asked a friend of his, Vicky, to get it on behalf of him, because he was busy (decorating his house) with house decorating. However, Vicky didn’t get the cake on her own. She picked up her son and they arrived together at my brother’s home. While Vicky was driving, her son ruined the cake that was next to him. By the time Vicky saw it was too late to stop him. My brother felt angry after he found that out, but the toddler didn’t do it on purpose, so he couldn’t say anything more. Fortunately, the proposal went successfully even without the cake. They will get married at the end of this year.


find out (v): 1-to get information about something because you want to know more about it, or to learn a fact or piece of information for the first time:
E.g.: How did you find out about the party?

figure out (v): 1-to understand or solve something:
E.g.: figure out how/why/what, etc.
E.g.: If they know the cause of the problem, they might be able to figure out how to prevent it happening again.

thin (adj): 1-having a small distance between two opposite sides:
E.g.: a thin book
E.g.: thin black lines