F2F Class Notes (Tony)

National Public Radio,  NPR


I had lunch with my friends yesterday.

We ate a lunch together yesterday.

look after for his kids

I could accept new ideas

the best life would be, if you don’t notice the government.

It would be ideal if you don’t even feel the existence of the government in your life.

moderate (V.) – to control something, the amount

eg: I should moderate my diet.   I should watch what I eat.

moderate (ADJ)

eg: Moderate ideas are important to Chinese culture.

in moderation – to do things in a medium way, not too much, not too little.

eg: Alcohol is ok, if you drink in moderation.

eg: I think the government should take actions in moderation when they face protests.

My main philosophy in life is to do everything in moderation, and be patient before deciding your words and actions.


Moderate V. – mah der rAte.

moderate ADJ. – mah der et