F2F Class Notes (HowHow / Jesse) [S]


Use some of the words from today in some writing about your house. Which ones do you have at your house? Where are they? What do you use them for?


cable – xian
eg. i use a cable for my computer monitor

power point – cha zuo
eg. i plug the cable into the power point

plug (n / v)
eg. i plug the plug into the power point

envelope – xin feng
eg. i gave my grandma a red envelope

dust – hui chen

web – spider’s home

kettle – shao shui ji

sink – xi shou chi

jug – shui hu

frying pan – ping di guo

saucepan / pot – guo

microwave – wei bo lu

Speaking exercise

Today a bad student do this thing. Yesterday a person build a toy gun for it and today he used his toy gun and came here and he used his gun and do this and say give money to me and he said bang, dead, but we don’t talk to him and he go to my friends and he said give him money, and my friends said don’t come and he use his hand to put his pencil case on the ground, and my friend was pick it up and that bad student used his leg to kick him and he told teacher and teacher say why you kicked him.

Today a bad student did this thing. Yesterday my classmate / a student built a toy gun for himself and today he came to our class and then he used his gun and said give money to me and he said bang, dead, but we didn’t talk to him and he went to my friends and he said “give me money”, but my friends said “don’t come, go away” and he used his hand to throw his pencil case on the ground, and my friend picked it up and that bad student kicked him and my friend told our teacher and our teacher said “why did you kick him?”