F2F Class Notes (Tony) [R]


I already watched it, now I’m re-watching it and listening to the English.

TV Shows to learn English from:

How I Met Your Mother. (Funny Show)

Billionaire – a person with a Billion dollars 1,000,000,000 (One billion)

stunned – surprised and frozen

shut down – when something is closed forever

eg: My favorite Thai restaurant was shut down.


biased – you already want to choose one side

eg: Of course he gave her a raise first, and not me. He is biased because she is his girlfriend. Really I should get the raise. “Yeah I know her, she’s so lazy” (AMY)

unbiased – not biased, not leaning to one side

eg: We need an unbiased opinion.

audience – the people watching or seeing this thing, event, news, movie, concert, play(theater)

loyal (ADJ)- someone will not leave their partner or friend.   they will not cheat or betray them

eg: He has no loyalty. He is not loyal.

eg: Dogs have loyalty to their owners. Dogs are the most loyal animal.

