F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Make examples for HAVE DONE, in the notes below:

Have done

Have been

Have eaten

Have seen

Have flown   

Have taken


Spiders spin (V) many webs in the space between the roof and the walls.

mildew – some strange mold that comes from things being wet for too long, or not drying out completely

eg: These clothes smell like mildew because you didn’t hang them up.

stagnant – not moving, or changing, old dirty water, not healthy, not clean

eg: Mosquitoes live near/around/next to/by stagnant water.

disgusting/gross – e xin

larva – insect egg, or baby insect

eg: I’ve never eaten

weave – to put things together, one on top first, and then the other on top next, then repeat this again and again.

eg: My sweater is woven(past tense) cotton, its really comfortable.

eg: He was weaving in and out of traffic, maybe he was drunk.

swerve – a strong turn in one direction, maybe not controlled

eg: The police pulled him over because he was swerving, he couldn’t stay in one lane (between the lines).


I have a pen    (Not this HAVE)

HAVE + V.     (It means you did this thing, at least one time before, maybe more)

Have done

Have been

Have eaten

Have seen

Have flown      I have never flown to another country ( Still haven’t)

Have taken      I’ve taken the train to BJ, but I’ve never flown there

Have talked to

Have looked at

Have studied       I haven’t studied a lot of French.

Have dated          I’ve dated another foreigner before.

Had done – It was true that in the past you have done this at least once, but then it changed before the present

I had never flown to another country, before I met my husband. (Now you have done it)