F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Nobody else  wants to see that film with me

They speak Thai

cinema – the place where you can watch movies

eg: I went to the cinema.

eg: Do you want to go to the cinema with me?

Halloween – the holiday in USA on October 31st, first it was about scaring ghosts away. Now it is just about wearing some funny clothes and eating candy and going to parties.

eg: Kids will go to homes and knock on the door, then say “Trick or treat!” this means you should give them candy, or they will trick you. Maybe throw eggs at your home, maybe break your pumpkins. But really everyone gives candy, so usually there are no tricks.

ghost – guizi

scare away – make them scared so they go away

candy – small sweet food, chocolate or sugar

pumpkin – a large orange vegetable.

eg: During October starbucks has many pumpkin drinks.

eg: Pumpkin in Chinese hot pot is very good.

hot pot – huo guo

costume – Cosplay, some clothes to make you look like something else, Ghost, princess,

eg: He is wearing a costume that looks like a baby drinking beer.

skeleton – all the bones of a person or animal

eg: Of course that dragon skeleton is fake.