F2F Class Notes (Tony)


the braces of my bottom teeth (Sometimes people say this)

my bottom braces  (Usually people say this)

The pain from my bottom braces is stronger than the top ones.

I live on the top floor of my building. (The highest floor, no other floors above it)

When I was dating my husband.

I embraced the situation, I had no other choice.

the fabric can’t breathe

hurt V. – to cause pain

eg: The bottom braces hurt my teeth a little.

cockroach – zhang lan


It is being corrected.  (He is correcting it now)

It was corrected by Raph.

Cassie’s Examples:

No, he has never mentioned that I’m too clean.

I have a drink to alleviate my sleeplessness (N.)

I never take anything to alleviate headaches.


colleague – Kall Leeg      Kall Lee Ge


I don’t like tight clothes.   (One verb)

I don’t like wearing tight clothes.   (Two verbs, second one is -ING)

I don’t like to wear tight clothes.   (Two verbs, TO, in the middle)