F2F Class Notes (Tony)


its too sore and it hurts too much

How much does it hurt?

200 grams of salmon/meat

it gets stuck between my teeth

too – more than you want, can handle, excessive

so – very (much)

lottery – everyone buys a ticket, and only one person or a few people can win. usually win a lot of money.

eg: Can you buy me a lottery ticket? The prize is $10 million dollars.

excessive ADJ. – more than is needed or wanted

eg: Doing yoga for 6 hours a day is very excessive.

eg: That is excessive for Children.

eg: He drinks excessive amounts of coffee, it is unhealthy.

eg: Having a new iphone is excessive for kids.

eg: Eating 5 meals a day is excessive for anyone except bodybuilders.

eg: Watering plants five times a week is excessive, they will probably die.

filling/heavy – something you eat that can make you feel full.

eg: I think baguettes are filling.

eg: I think cucumbers are not really filling.

eg: Potatoes are really filling.


stiff – Stihh f’




E – Eh

X – cks

C – Se

E – Eh

S – Ss

S – Ss

I – Ihh   (Soft I)   If,    is,   hit

V – Vv

E – (Silent)

Ex – Ecks…

Ce – …Seh

Ssive – Siv